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Hawaii or Lethbridge? What Inspires This Family Photographer

I met with Mishayla via zoom a few months ago and began dreaming up her session with her. We talked about her life with two kids, and a third one on the way, and how important it was to both of us to capture her family just as they were: happy, silly, fun and full of love.

Would you believe this is Lethbridge?

Mishayla told me her family of four just moved here from Medicine Hat, and that as newcomers, they didn't know this place all too well, so they were open for any suggestions on photography locations. They were even happy to travel back to Medicine Hat to choose a spot there if it meant getting the family photos they had been envisioning in their hearts. Luckily, we have so many beautiful locations here in Lethbridge, that choosing a spot was pretty easy! Would you believe this was in Lethbridge and not somewhere warm and tropical like Hawaii?

When it came to the Thiessen's session day, Mishayla used my styling guidance to get her family ready, and then when she arrived to the session, she put on the dress from my client closet, and it was as easy as could be. We began walking down the path, slowly meandering along, and their family photography session began.

Spending time in the two foot zone

Something I have noticed with most of my family sessions is that SO much of it takes place about two feet off the ground. Once you become a parent, your children really do become so much of your world, and wherever they are, that's where you are too. As a photographer, it's something so beautiful to see, and I can always tell the family's that spend a lot of time in that two foot zone usually have really strong bonds with their kiddos.

Here Piper is trying to eat some grass, and truly not enjoying it. Her little face tells the entire story of this moment!

They truly melted my heart

As we walked around and explored this new landscape, Sawyer and her dad Seth were picking grass and wild flowers, and inspecting every little minute detail of the coulee's together. Seeing Seth so attentive to his daughter, and just filled with love and adoration for her, truly melted my heart.

This tiny chaos

Their littlest daughter Piper really reminded me of my own son Kobe. Both are so determined, steadfast in their ways, and looking for their next little adventure. I could see their family is just as busy as mine is, with often times both kids going in opposite directions, and I loved the tiny chaos that was these two little girls.

I never even knew I could love the way that I do

This year I have really tried to approach my family photography differently, by seeing my clients for who they are as a family, instead of posing them to who I think they should be. I truly think that has made the difference between my work from years past, and where my style is now going. I am so grateful to be capturing these authentically beautiful moments between mother and baby, father and child, sibling and sibling. Photographing family's has become a passion that I never even knew I could love the way that I do.

A little slice of paradise

So as I got home from shooting their session, as I always do I put their photos onto my computer and began thinking about how their session felt and how I wanted to edit it. I felt so truly inspired by the Thiessen's, their family bond, and the feeling of a tiny escape at this spot, that I knew I wanted their images to reflect that sentiment.

Hanging out with their family I really got the sense that it was a little slice of paradise, and somewhere that has always reminded me of paradise are the landscapes of Hawaii. The beautiful green hillsides, the beach, the warmth of the sun shining down on your skin, all of it. And so with those feelings in mind, that's how I edited this session.

So you tell me, did I capture the Hawaii vibes & family love that this session was giving?

To Mishayla & Seth,

Mishayla & Seth, if you're reading this, thank you so much for inviting me into your lives to capture these beautiful moments in your family. I hope they embody how this moment of parenthood feels. The warmth, closeness, and love that your family shares is truly something that took my breath away, and I know when you welcome your next little one into the fold, all those feelings will just grow even bigger.



P.S. If you'd like family photographs that capture the heart of your family, please reach out. I take on a limited number of bookings each month to ensure I create magic that lives on forever in your images.


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